Automate GIT push, pull, cherry, reset and branching between master, development, staging and production
Take the complexity away of pulling, merging, pushing, reset and cherry picking. Simply making changes through GenPen.AI will not just generate code and keep documentation up to date. It will automatically keep track of your project version history through GIT. Ask about integrations possibilities.
Use Open API for code generation, seamless GIT integration for code version history, tracking and development; promote to staging and production branches.
Use the synergy created by using tools such as Open API and OpenAI together. We are working to add more code generation tools. Additional components into our ensemble methods. Enable more robust LLM/LMM voting models as technologies evolve.
A simple sandbox account will allow you to test the platform capabilities without any cost
We currently have a single UI/UX framework installed. Our goal over the next several months is to expand the number and quality of UI/UX themes into GenPen.AI. Branding and re-branding should become a one click process.